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Package delivery to Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania - Parcels Packages

Unireot Inc.
Posted by: Auguste Godeaux

Is there someone who may be able to respond to my questions about package delivery to Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania, in the United States? Although many of my questions may be included in your company's general information, I want to be sure that I have asked them anyway.

My company is located outside of Lyon, France, and we have an order that is to be shipped to Pittsburgh. Of course, we will like to have your general shipping services explained, but we will also like to know if we can ship this package by an expedited method. Is there anything we should know about how to prepare this package for U.S. Customs? Do they assess any duties, taxes, or fees on shipments from an international origin? Is there anyone at your company that we may contact if we have any further questions after we have reviewed your general information? How long will it take for this shipment to be delivered from our office to the customer in Pittsburgh?

I just want to say how much I appreciate your responding to my questions and also for sending me your information.